SpeakerNet News Intensives

Giving Audiences the Engagement
They Are Demanding

The Program:

Audiences have changed. Attention spans are shorter. Groups are demanding more involvement, participation, and interactivity, even in keynotes.

How can you integrate activities that leverage the latest brain research to enhance your presentation? How can you add more Hollywood techniques that will engage, without being cheesy? What are some simple ways to add interaction without taking too much time, or disrupting your keynote’s flow?

These programs will answer these questions and more.

Sarah Michel Create Brain-Friendly, Participant-Centered Presentations for More Engagement and More Business
with Sarah Michel, CSP
Nabil Doss Integrate Powerful Hollywood Movie Trailer Techniques to Emotionally Engage Your Audience
with Nabil Doss
Christie Ward Create Interactive Keynotes that Elicit Repeat Business
with Christie Ward, CSP

How to order:

Get all three programs, in MP3 format, plus a link to the recorded video of Nabil Doss’s webinar, for only $59.


Additional resources for this intensive:

  • Links to Sarah Michel’s handouts, plus a link to a special follow-up session with Nabil Doss, will be sent to you.

About the SNN Intensives Series:

Find out about other intensives we are offering.

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions