SpeakerNet News Community Guidelines
As a global virtual enterprise, SpeakerNet News is an informal group of speakers, consultants, trainers and other interested parties. While problems have been rare, the need has arisen to formally outline our subscription conditions for all who subscribe to SpeakerNet News. Any breach of the following shall be considered grounds for suspension or even termination of subscription:
- SpeakerNet News queries and postings email address are not to be used for pitches that have no relevance to the postor’s query.
- Contact with postors submitting SpeakerNet News queries is to be made only via the channels (e.g., phone or email) specified in the query.
- Subscribers should not email attached files to postors unless they’ve specifically asked to receive them.
- SpeakerNet News postings are not to be posted, under any circumstances, in any ezine, print newsletter or on any Web site, without prior permission from SpeakerNet News.
- Email addresses obtained from SpeakerNet News queries and postings are not to be used in any list for unsolicited, individual- or mass-distributed messages.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions