SpeakerNet News AudioZines
One of the most popular features of the SpeakerNet News newsletter is “Topic of the Month,” where we post a question submitted by one of our subscribers, and other subscribers offer their ideas. Many of these ideas have been captured in the Compilations section of this site.
The AudioZine is a more comprehensive version of this. On a topic our readers have told us they’re interested in, we ask a number of experts to give us their best advice and ideas.
The experts we interview are naturally in different places in their careers, and each has a unique point of view. So chances are good that some of the ideas they share will be ones you can put to use right away.
These AudioZines are available in the MP3 format so that you can download and listen to them immediately.
SNN AudioZines:
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions