SpeakerNet News Intensives
Fine Tune Your Voice
to Sound Best in Your Presentations
The Program:
As a presenter, you know your voice is critical to getting your message across. Speakers with weak or inauthentic voices are rarely successful. Audiences want confident presenters who telegraph their assuredness without going over the top.
Knowing something is an important tool is different from mastering its use. Just as with any fine instrument, you have to know how to care for it, use it for the best sound, and take care of it when something is wrong. When was the last time you thought about your voice? When did you last get some tips for making it even more effective?
These three recordings will give you new ideas on how to use and preserve your most important speaking instrument.
Raise Your Voice Value for Authenticity, Story, and Connection (webcast)
with Hilary Blair, MFA, CSPPut Your Best Voice Forward: Secrets from a Voice-Over Artist to Up-Level Your Webcasts, Podcasts, Videos and Recorded Books (webcast)
with Grant HolmesUse Professional Techniques to Make Your Audio Product a Sound Succe$$
with Toni Boyle
How to order:
Get all three programs, in MP3 format, plus links to the recorded webcast videos, for only $79.
About the SNN Intensives Series:
Find out about other intensives we are offering.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions