SpeakerNet News Intensives
Explode Your Sales with Products
You Probably Haven’t Thought to Produce
The Program:
You’re probably leaving money on the table. Your clients and audiences would most likely buy more if you had it. But they’re bored with the standard book, e-book, MP3, DVD. They’d get excited about something unusual that they can’t get somewhere else.
You’re stymied on what to create that would create some buzz — word-of-mouth advertising and add-on sales. You’d like some ideas on new products/services so they will stand out from your competitors’.
These three recordings take you through each speakers’ business and products. Since the examples are specific to their target market, let them stimulate your imagination on how you can adapt their ideas to your customers’ needs.
Producing and Promoting Your Product Pyramid
with Marty GrunderUse Unusual Products for More Credibility and Bigger Audiences, and to Help Your Bottom Line
with Mike DomitrzMonetize Your Expertise
with Barry Banther CMC, CSP
How to order:
Get all three programs, in MP3 format, for only $34.
Additional resources for this intensive:
- Marty Grunder’s handout (PDF)
- Barry Banther provided a detailed handout with the grid of his product and service offerings. When you purchase the intensive, we will email you a link for downloading the handout.
About the SNN Intensives Series:
Find out about other intensives we are offering.
SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions