SNN is the most useful ezine I subscribe to. I read it, refer back to it and contribute to it when I have SNN-worthy tips, news and ideas to share.
—Tom Gray

I have listened to many fantastic teleseminars at SpeakerNet News — a resource for speakers, consultants, authors, etc. They have a cadre of great speakers.
—Steve Strauss, in USA Today
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SpeakerNet News is a free bi-weekly email newsletter sent every other Friday to over 6000 professional speakers, consultants, trainers, and authors. Subscribe. Read our community guidelines.

Recent newsletters: 1/31/25 | 1/17/25 | 12/20/24

Each issue features items sent in by the newsletter readers:

  • Tips on subjects like sales and marketing, travel, technology, great resources, saving money, PR, conducting better presentations, and other topics key to the speaking business
  • Requests for information and advice
  • Want ads (equipment and other items for sale)
  • Services and products of interest to speakers

Some items submitted to the newsletter have generated a number of responses, which we have compiled.

You are welcome to submit items for publication. Please read the editorial guidelines.

If you have a product or service that thousands of speakers might be interested in, consider advertising. Here are the advertising guidelines.

Winners in the SNN Six-Word Speech Contest

Winners in the SNN Word Contest

A word from the editors:

Our goal with SpeakerNet News is to provide you with useful information and a forum for getting your questions answered. We edit all postings carefully and turn away those which will not be of interest to a large number of readers.

SNN is not a part of the National Speakers Association. While most of the subscribers are NSA members, and both of us have been active in the organization for many years, we do not publish this on behalf of NSA.

Also SpeakerNet News is not a place where speakers promote themselves or their products, though there is a low-key section at the end of each issue where people can pay for a brief ad if they have something to sell or to announce.

Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly

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