SpeakerNet News Program Recordings

Positioning Yourself with Your Target Market

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Kristin Arnold How to Be a Freakin' Brilliant Panelist
with Kristin Arnold, MBA, CPF, CSP
Recording  $15

Jane Atkinson Become a Wealthy Speaker by Revamping Your Marketing
with Jane Atkinson
Recording  $15

Beyond the Speech: How to Dramatically Increase Your Clients’ Results and Your Income
with Bill Bachrach, CSP
Recording  $15

Gina Barreca Use Your Humor as Your Brand: Make Your Speeches and Writing More Buzz-Worthy
with Gina Barreca, PhD
Recording  $15

Brenda Bence How to Get and Manage Corporate Retainers for Large Ongoing Monthly Payments (webcast)
with Brenda Bence, MBA, CSP
Recording  $49

Brenda Bence Apply Lessons Learned from Running Billion-Dollar Businesses to Grow Your Speaking Enterprise
with Brenda Bence
Recording  $15

Steve Bustin Be the Go-To Emcee That Event Organizers Love to Book (webcast)
with Steve Bustin, PSAE
Recording  $49

Calloway-Winget The Strategic Speaker: Don’t Try Everything. Do the Right Things.
with Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE and Larry Winget, CPAE
Recording  $15

Jan Carothers You Can Make Money Serving the People Who Serve Us: The Pros and Cons of Government Contracting
with Jan Carothers
Recording  $15

Chris Clarke-Epstein Proving Your Worth: Showing Your Presentation’s Value to Increase Bookings and Fees
with Chris Clarke-Epstein, CSP
Recording  $15

Ed Foreman Uncommon Model for Speaking as Much as You Want—And Being Paid Handsomely for It
with Ed Foreman, CPAE
Recording  $15

Hayley Foster Short Talks, Tall Exposure: What Professional Speakers Need to Know about TED
with Hayley Foster
Recording  $15

Randy Gage How to Become a Thought Leader
with Randy Gage
Recording  $15

Randy Gage How to Lead and Monetize Your Tribe
with Randy Gage
Recording  $15

Deborah Gardner What Clients Are Buying During the Pandemic and Beyond
with Deborah Gardner, CMP
Recording  $15

Roger Harrop How to Get Full-Fee Bookings in Today’s Market
with Roger Harrop, FPSA, PSAE
Recording  $15

Sam Horn Branding Ph.D.: The Secret to Becoming the Top-of-Mind Expert on Your Topic So Prospects, Media, and Publishers Call You!
with Sam Horn
Recording  $15

Mastering the Two Critical Elements of Success in Speaking
with Don Hutson, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Shep Hyken Become and Stay the Top Go-To Speaker on Your Topic (webcast)
with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $49

Terry Jones Morphing for Moolah: Positioning Your Practice for New Opportunities
with Terry Jones
Recording  $15

Jeff Justice Cracking the Continuing Education Code for a Healthy Revenue Stream
with Jeff Justice, CSP
Recording  $15

Brian Lee Cultivating $100,000/Year Clients™: How to Stop Chasing Single Speaking Events and Start Creating Wealth
with Brian Lee, CSP
Recording  $15

Michael Lee Become an Industry Expert ... in a Week
with Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP
Recording  $15

Ken Lizotte Establishing and Leveraging Your Thought Leadership to Create a Steady Flow of Engagements
with Ken Lizotte, CMC
Recording  $15

Heather Lutze How to Be the Easiest Speaker to Find on Google
with Heather Lutze
Recording  $15

James Malinchak Make Six Figures Annually Speaking to Colleges
with James Malinchak
Recording  $15

Steve Markman Secrets of Landing Many More Speaking Engagements
with Steve Markman
Recording  $15

Michelle Mazur Make Your Message Synonymous with Your Name (webcast)
with Michelle Mazur, PhD
Recording  $49

Scott McKain Creating Distinction in the Speaking Industry: How to Make the Marketplace Irrelevant
with Scott McKain, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Repositioning Your Speaking Business
with Scott McKain, CPAE
Recording  $15

InfoGuru Marketing: Leveraging What You Know to Attract All the Clients You Can Handle
with Robert Middleton
Recording  $15

Robert Middleton Creating, Marketing and Selling High-End Services and Programs
with Robert Middleton
Recording  $15

Mitchell Get More Memorable to Get More Business
with W Mitchell, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Seven Steps to Presenting 200 Programs a Year in Your Niche Market
with Ruby Newell-Legner, CSP
Recording  $15

Sarah Petty Escape the Price Race to the Bottom
with Sarah Petty
Recording  $15

Gary Purece Apply Corporate Branding Secrets to Your Business
with Gary Purece
Recording  $15

Paul Rutter Add Game Show Host to Your Offerings
with Paul Rutter
Recording  $15

Ford Saeks Use Social Media Marketing to Grow Your Speaking & Consulting Business
with Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Rob Shore Build a Big Following in a Small Niche
with Rob Shore
Recording  $15

Mark Standriff Add to Your Speaking Revenue as a Professional Emcee
with Mark Standriff
Recording  $15

Mark Stiving Profiting from a Pricing Prophet’s Pointers
with Mark Stiving, PhD
Recording  $15

Joanne Sujansky Attracting and Retaining Million-Dollar Clients
with Joanne Sujansky, Ph.D., CSP
Recording  $15

Make More Money: Position Your Expertise for High-Fee Markets
with Vickie Sullivan
Recording  $15

Kendall SummerHawk How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It!
with Kendall SummerHawk
Recording  $15

Waldo Waldman How to Build a Top Gun Speaker Brand
with Waldo Waldman, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Brian Walter The Art of Saying What You Do So People Actually Want to Know More
with Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

George Walther Building a Brand New Keynote from the Ground Up
with George Walther, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Alexandra Watkins How to Create an Enticing Name for Your Company, Book, and Products (webcast)
with Alexandra Watkins
Recording  $49

Alexandra Watkins Mastering the Name Game: Create Powerful Names for Books, Speeches or Companies
with Alexandra Watkins
Recording  $15

Pete Weissman Strategies for Becoming a Thought Leader: Lessons from the Corridors of Power
with Pete Weissman
Recording  $15

Pete Weissman Speechwriter Savvy: How to Make Your Ideas Remembered, Repeated, Reported and Retweeted
with Pete Weissman
Recording  $15

David Yoho Secure More Business with Fewer Clients
with David Yoho, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions