SpeakerNet News Program Recordings

Alphabetical Listing by Expert

Maralynn Adams, CMP & Bonni Scepkowski, SFP Frankly Speaking: Insider Advice (Most) Meeting Planners Won’t Share with Speakers
Angelie Agarwal Unforgettable Presentations: Using Prezi to Create Stand-Out Speeches
Tony Alessandra, PhD, CSP, CPAE E-Business Strategies for Speakers: E-Products Equal E-normous Income
Betsy Allen, MBA, MOK A System to Grow Your Business 200% in 12 Months
Mitch Alverson Your Website Is Costing You Money. Here’s What You Can Do About It
Tom Antion How to Make a Fortune Speaking at Fundraisers
Tom Antion How to Start a Blog (Weblog) to Promote Your Business
Tom Antion I Love the “IRS”: 9 Internet Revenue Streams to Make Your Web Income Soar
Kristin Arnold, MBA, CPF, CSP How to Be a Freakin' Brilliant Panelist
Mike Artell Let Me Illustrate My Point: Illuminating Your Presentations with Simple Drawings
Cliff Atkinson Is Twitter a Presenter’s Nightmare or a Dream Come True?
Jane Atkinson Market Your Way to Wealthy
Jane Atkinson Become a Wealthy Speaker by Revamping Your Marketing
Roy Atkinson How to Use Twitter Chats to Expand Your Business
Emory Austin, CSP, CPAE Digging for the Treasures in Your Stories
Mitch Axelrod Generate Six Figures by Selling and Licensing Your Intellectual Assets to Big Companies
John Azzaro Star Making: How to Skyrocket Your Career from Good to Phenomenal
Bill Bachrach, CSP Beyond the Speech: How to Dramatically Increase Your Clients’ Results and Your Income
Barry Banther, CMC, CSP Grow a Continuously Profitable Consulting Practice from Your Speeches
Barry Banther CMC, CSP Monetize Your Expertise
Gina Barreca, PhD Use Your Humor as Your Brand: Make Your Speeches and Writing More Buzz-Worthy
Rogene Baxter, RN, MA, CMC High-Profit Business Practices That Put More Money in Your Pocket
Brenda Bence, MBA, CSP How to Get and Manage Corporate Retainers for Large Ongoing Monthly Payments
Brenda Bence, MBA, CSP Apply Lessons Learned from Running Billion-Dollar Businesses to Grow Your Speaking Enterprise
Michael Benidt Make More Money and Find New Customers on the Other Internet — the Invisible One
Melanie Benson How to Generate Million-Dollar Visibility as an In-Demand Guest Expert — And Add Another 6 Figures to Your Revenue This Year
Debbie Bermont Make Many Products from Every Presentation
Nick Bernstein Network TV Exec Shares What Makes a Stellar Talk Show Host and Guest
Sheryl Bindelglass Make Money Leading Masterminds
Joanne Black Keep Your Phone Ringing in Tough Times: Using Referrals to Drive Business
Hilary Blair, MFA, CSP Raise Your Voice Value for Authenticity, Story, and Connection
Richard Bliss Master LinkedIn to Bring You More Business
Joel G. Block, CPA, CSP Your Business Model Dictates Much of Your Success — or Failure
Dianna Booher, CSP, CPAE How to Write a Quality Book Quickly — in 7–28 Days
Dianna Booher, CSP, CPAE How Strategically Published Books Can Promote a More Profitable Career or Business
Toni Boyle Use Professional Techniques to Make Your Audio Product a Sound Succe$$
Todd Brabender How to Be More Newsworthy and Get More Media Coverage
Robert Bradford Think Like a CEO: Get More Business by Getting into Their Heads
Gerard Braud Be a Media Star: Must-Know Tips Before Opening Your Mouth to a Reporter
Gina Carr, MBA & Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE Increase Your Thought Leadership — and Income — with ChatGPT and AI
Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE Use Video to Communicate, Connect, and Cash In
Marjorie Brody, CSP, CPAE, CMC Building a Million-Dollar Business: Questions and Decisions to Consider
Amy Collins and Bethany Brown How to Turn Your Best Speech Into a Successful Book
Traci Brown, CSP Quiz Shows: Take Your Webcasts from Boring to Soaring
Frank Bucaro, CSP, CPAE Audience Involvement Strategies for Involuntary, Cynical, and Non-Participatory Attendees
Gordon Burgett How to Create an Extraordinarily Effective Speech-Marketing Tool: Your Own Self-Selling Book or Booklet
Gordon Burgett How to Build a Lifetime Empire Out of One Speech
Steve Bustin, PSAE Be the Go-To Emcee That Event Organizers Love to Book
Charles Byrd Explode Your Product Sales with Zero Marketing Costs: The Art and Mastery of Joint Ventures
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE Turning Disruption into Opportunity: Reinventing Your Business to Weather Any Storm
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE Shifting Your Business in a Down Economy
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE The Anatomy of a Remarkable, Convention-Maker Keynote
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE and Larry Winget, CPAE The Strategic Speaker: Don’t Try Everything. Do the Right Things.
Mark Camacho Creating a Quality Video Course
George Campbell, CSP, CPAE We Can Make a Funnier You!
Heather Pearce Campbell, IP & Business Attorney Seven Legal Risks of Using Generative AI in Your Business
Heather Pearce Campbell, JD Create a Legal Strategy to Avoid Online Perils
Jan Carothers You Can Make Money Serving the People Who Serve Us: The Pros and Cons of Government Contracting
Judy Carter Extraordinary Stories in an Ordinary Day
Judy Carter Using Stand-Up Comedy Secrets to “Funny Up” Your Presentations
Gina Carr, MBA & Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE Increase Your Thought Leadership — and Income — with ChatGPT and AI
Gina Carr From Video to Podcast to Money in the Bank: Rev Up Your Revenue by Repurposing
Christine Cashen, CSP How to Have a Full Calendar with No Marketing
Jeanette Cates, PhD Expand Your Passive Profits with Online Courses
Jeanette Cates, PhD Add a Recurring Stream to Your Revenue Mix
Jeanette Cates, PhD Create One-Page Web Sites for a Steady Income Stream
Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE and Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE Crushing the Platform — 9 Insights from Coaching 95 Top Keynote Speakers
Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE and Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE Nuances of Great Keynoters
Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE Create Dazzling Videos to Transfix Audiences and Springboard Your Business
Juliet Clark Convert Your In-Presentation Lead Magnets into Massive Sales
Chris Clarke-Epstein, CSP A Roadmap to Writing Engaging Non-Fiction
Chris Clarke-Epstein, CSP Proving Your Worth: Showing Your Presentation’s Value to Increase Bookings and Fees
Amy Climer, PhD, CSP Get Experiential! Design Trainings That Transform
Amy Collins and Bethany Brown How to Turn Your Best Speech Into a Successful Book
Amy Collins Beyond the Bookstore: Selling Your Books to Costco, Walmart, Target, Airport Stores, Military Bases, Libraries, and Other Non-Traditional Retail Establishments
Monica Cornetti How and Why to Gamify Your Speaking/Training Business
Myra Corrello, PhD Unlock the Power of Sponsorships: Elevate Your Impact & Bottom Line
Roger Courville, CSP Selling Webinars: Rethink Your Pricing, Packaging, and Positioning
Lois Creamer Finding and Cultivating New Business: How to Qualify and Interest Decision Makers
Brian Croft & Ken Sky Audience Alchemy: Connect, Captivate and Forge Unique Bonds with Your Audiences
Brian Croft Make Your Visual Brand Uniquely Memorable
Susan Crossman Ensure Your Online Content Marketing Translates to Profits
Dennis Cummins, CSP The Art of Invitational Selling: Make Offers from the Stage That People Rush to Buy
Jennifer Darling Advanced LinkedIn Techniques to Bring You More Business: What Most Speakers Are Missing
Andrew Davis Becoming a Highly Referable Speaker
Bert Decker, CSP, CPAE Beyond Presentation Basics: Creating a Home Run Speech Every Time
John DeMato Craft a Compelling Visual Story with Images Unique to You
Ava Diamond Sell from the Stage Without Being Smarmy
Lou Diamond Secrets to Making Money as a Podcast Guest
Jean Marie DiGiovanna Turn Your Workshop into an Engaging Keynote
Mike Domitrz, CSP Discover What Holds Most Speakers Back from Making the BIG LEAP Forward
Mike Domitrz, CSP Techniques to Include in Your Presentation That Increase Repeat Bookings
Mike Domitrz, CSP Use Unusual Products for More Credibility and Bigger Audiences, and to Help Your Bottom Line
Patrick Donadio, MBA, CSP, MCC Get Bigger Results with Less Effort: Expand Your Business Using Easy-to-Repeat Systems
Nabil Doss Integrate Powerful Hollywood Movie Trailer Techniques to Emotionally Engage Your Audience
Nancy Duarte Slide:ology — Lessons from an Academy Award-Winning Slide Strategist
Joy Duling How to Run a Membership Program that People Actually Want to Join and Renew
Elaine Dumler 21 No-Nonsense Book Marketing Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank
Shawne Duperon Master the Camera to Expand Your Exposure
Deborah Durham Leverage Your Speaking Expertise into Paid Spokesperson Assignments!
Dick Durrance Tell Powerful Stories with Pictures: A National Geographic Photographer Shares Tips for Speakers
Joan Eisenstodt Become Invaluable to Meeting Planners: Tips from an Über-Planner
Chester Elton Speeding Down the Road to Bestseller-dom
Paulette Ensign Accelerate Your Amazon Book Sales, Before, During, and After Your Book Is Done
Paulette Ensign Generate an Instant Product, Instant Marketing Team and Almost Endless Shelf Life for You and Sponsors
Paulette Ensign Create an Entire e-Published Product Line from a Single e-Booklet Manuscript
Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD The Psychology of Writing Bestselling Books
Tami Evans ShowBUSINESS; Crafting Connection to Engage Your Audience and Grow Your Business
Warren Evans, CSP Creating Add-On Options to Explode Your Income During Tough Times
Kathy Fediw Transforming Your Newsletter into a Money-Making Online Magazine
Josiane Feigon Connecting with and Selling to Power Buyers
Barbara Feldman Getting Syndicated for Fame and Profit
Rob Ferre Dazzle Your Virtual Audiences with Gamification
Ellen Finkelstein Little-Known Tips for Making Your Slides as Great as Your Speech
Mike Finn How to Become a Sought-After Corporate Spokesperson
Dr. Margaret Fitzgerald, CSP Develop a Multi-Speaker Business: Going Beyond a Solo-Speaker Practice
Candace Fitzpatrick, MBA, CSP Increase Your Revenue by Licensing Your IP to Clients and Other Trainers
Elaine Floyd Self-Publishing Secrets: How to Produce Your Own Bestseller
Arielle Ford Making a Big Splash with Your Book
Ed Foreman, CPAE Uncommon Model for Speaking as Much as You Want—And Being Paid Handsomely for It
Hayley Foster Short Talks, Tall Exposure: What Professional Speakers Need to Know about TED
Fabienne Fredrickson How to Attract All the Clients You Need, Make More Money and Have More Time Off
Laurie Fried How to Get on Oprah and Other Talk Shows
Jason Friedman Radical Differentiation in a Sea of Competition
Susan Friedmann, CSP How to Profit from Exhibiting, Whether You’re Speaking at the Event or Not
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE Create Clear, Concise and Creative Keynotes: Make Every Word Count
Rick Frishman Guerrilla Publicity: Getting Gobs of Media Coverage without Spending Lots of Money or Time
Frank Furness Strategies, Tips and Tools for Creating Videos for Marketing and Sales
Frank Furness, CSP Speak for High Fees in Many Lands
Kathleen Gage How to Write, Publish and Market a Book with No Out-of-Pocket Expense
Randy Gage Building Hybrid Revenue Models
Randy Gage How to Become a Thought Leader
Randy Gage Up “Periscope”: Raise Your Business with Live Video Broadcasting
Randy Gage How to Lead and Monetize Your Tribe
Randy Gage Growing Your Business in the Digital World
Randy Gage Booking More Business in Difficult Times
Chuck Gallagher, CSP New Tools to Increase Your YouTube Followers and Your Bank Account
Chuck Gallagher, CSP Outsource for Marketing Success: 7 Simple Steps to Marketing Made Easy
Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE Becoming Unforgettable to Keep Your Calendar Full
Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE To Prop or Not to Prop: If, When and How to Use Props in Your Presentations
Tim Gard, CSP, CPAE We Can Make a Funnier You!
Deborah Gardner, CMP What Clients Are Buying During the Pandemic and Beyond
David Garfinkel Copywriting Secrets for Infopreneurs: The Right Words Can Help You Sell a Lot More Speeches, Services and Products!
Betty Garrett, CMP How to Secure Bureau Attraction
Jean Gatz, CSP How to Get Clients and Audiences to Market for You — And How They Can Find Money to Pay You
Phil Gerbyshak LinkedIn Profitability for Speakers
Izzy Gesell, CSP Keep ’Em Engaged and Attentive: Having Effective Interactivity in Every Program
Vinh Giang Produce a Sizzling Demo Video for a Tsunami of Bookings
Bob Gibson Negotiating When Relationships Matter: How to Keep Your Client Happy Without Giving Away the Store
Nancy Giere, CPT Four Little-Known Techniques for More Impactful Presentations
Scott Ginsberg How to Build Your OWN Online Video Platform
Jerry Gitchel How to Use an Internet Game Plan to Connect All the Digital Dots and Grow Your Business
Jeffrey Gitomer, CSP, CPAE Dominate the Platform and Your Market Segment
David Glickman, CSP, CPAE Be More Funny, Make More Money
JB Glossinger, MBA, PhD Create a 6-Figure Income with Your Daily Content Machine
Paul Goldner, CSP Strategies for Attracting High-Payoff, Long-Term, Repeat Clients
Mitchell Goozé, CSP Selling to the Corporate Market: The Who, What and How of It
Mitch Goozé, CSP What It Really Takes to Sell a Lot of Product
Tim Grahl What Bestselling Authors Do to Sell Gobs of Books
Kit Grant, CSP Creating Add-On Options to Explode Your Income During Tough Times
Tom Gray How to Build a High-Traffic Website and Convert That Traffic to Sales!
Tom Gray Ensure Your Online Content Marketing Translates to Profits
David Greenberg, CSP Secrets of Creating and Selling eBooks and Making a Mint
Clint Greenleaf, CPA Profit from New Book Publishing Options
Warren Greshes, CPAE How Non-Celebrity Speakers Can Build a Lucrative Career
Marty Grunder Producing and Promoting Your Product Pyramid
Laurie Guest, CSP Add Another Revenue Stream by Offering Client Encounter Audits
Charmaine Hammond, CSP Sell Beaucoup Books with Sponsorship
Joon Han Tap the Millions of Dollars That Fortune 500 Companies Are Dying to Spend on You
Heather Hansen Speak So Every Audience Understands: How Your Language Makes (or Breaks) Your Presentation
Fredrik Härén, CSP, CSPGlobal The World Tour of You: How to Become a Global Speaker
Roger Harrop, FPSA, PSAE How to Get Full-Fee Bookings in Today’s Market
Penny Haslam Be a Star of the Small Screen: How to Film Yourself on Your Phone so You Don’t Look or Sound Like an Idiot
Michael Hauge Master Emotionally Powerful Stories to Move Your Audiences to Action
Michael Hauge Hollywood Secrets to Spinning Riveting Stories
Lou Heckler, CSP, CPAE How You Can Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Even Experienced Speakers Make
Lou Heckler, CSP, CPAE The Makings of an Exceptional Speech
Lou Heckler, CSP, CPAE Get Standing Ovations Using Broadway and Film Performance Techniques
Jim Hennig, PhD, CSP, CPAE Profiting from Licensing Your Programs to Organizations
Jim Hennig, PhD, CSP, CPAE Licensing Ins and Outs: Build Immediate Income by Becoming a Licensee or Licensor
Melinda Henning Voice Mail Magic: Building Your Business by Phone
Duncan Hesketh, WeSpeakGlobal creator Warm Leads in Your Pocket
Bronwyn Hesketh SpeakerSavvy: Wisdom from the Dark Side (A Bureau Owner Comes Clean)
Kiela Hine Bureau Basics and Beyond: Developing Relationships with Speakers Bureaus
Linda Hollander Top 5 Ways to Attract Corporate Sponsors
Grant Holmes Put Your Best Voice Forward: Secrets from a Voice-Over Artist to Up-Level Your Webcasts, Podcasts, Videos and Recorded Books
Julie Holmes Diversify and Maximize Your Business with Micro-Products
Matt Holt The Realities of Book Publishing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Matt Holt Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Getting a Business Book Published but Were Afraid to Ask
Bill Honaker, JD Legal Issues You Need to Know in the Digital World
Jim Horan The One-Page Business Plan for Speakers and Consultants
Sam Horn What Is Your Next? How to Evolve Your Career and Life to Create More Meaningful Success
Sam Horn What’s Your Legacy Message?
Sam Horn Intriguing Techniques for Capturing Your Prospects’, Clients’, and Audiences’ Attention
Sam Horn That’s Original!—Create Clever, Proprietary Titles and Content
Sam Horn Ten Secrets to Finishing That Book You’ve Been Working On—For Months, Years, Decades!
Sam Horn Branding Ph.D.: The Secret to Becoming the Top-of-Mind Expert on Your Topic So Prospects, Media, and Publishers Call You!
Norm Hull, CSP Provide High-Profit Retreats, Bootcamps, or Intensives with Less Effort Than You Think
Caelan Huntress Boost Your Business By Collecting Referrals and Testimonials
Don Hutson, CSP, CPAE Mastering the Two Critical Elements of Success in Speaking
Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE Become and Stay the Top Go-To Speaker on Your Topic
Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE Using Podcasts to Attract New Customers
Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE Multiply Your Income by Leveraging Your Speech Content into a Training Product That You Don't Have to Deliver
Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE Little Things That Have a Big Payoff: Secrets to Making Real Money in the Speaking and Consulting Business
Howie Jacobson, Ph.D. Get New Sales by Mastering AdWords: How to Turn Clicks into Cash
Rick Jakle, CSP How to Break the Broadcast Booking Barrier: Selling Yourself Big-Time on a Shoestring Budget!
Bill James, CSP Zero-Dollar Marketing for Speakers, Trainers and Consultants
Dan Janal 7 Proven Ways to Build Your Business with Facebook Advertising
Dan Janal Apply the New Rules for Press Releases to Raise Your Visibility
Dan Janal Discover New Internet Publicity Strategies to Sell More Products and Get More Engagements
Elizabeth Jeffries, RN, CSP, CPAE Creating a Sustainable, Flexible, and Fulfilling Business That Yields Over $100K/Year
Kerry Johnson, MBA, PhD How to Increase Your Business 80% in 8 Weeks
Dewitt Jones, CPAE The Delicate Balance of Presence and Performance on the Platform
Terry Jones Morphing for Moolah: Positioning Your Practice for New Opportunities
Steven Judge Dissecting a Masterful Keynote
Jeff Justice, CSP Cracking the Continuing Education Code for a Healthy Revenue Stream
Merit Kahn, CSP From Keynote to Broadway(ish): How to Create Your One-Person Show
Allan Karl How to Use Crowdfunding to Finance, Promote & Sell Your Next Book
Michael Scott Karpovich, CSP Marketing on a Budget: Ideas to Get Your Business Moving
Ron Karr, CSP Chutzpah 101: How to Approach Top Dogs to Sell Speeches, Sponsorships, and Products
Ron Kaufman Choose a Business Model That Scales: Take Your Work to a Global Audience
Sheryl Kay Make More Money and Find New Customers on the Other Internet — the Invisible One
Linda Keith, CPA, CSP Cut the Crap and PLAN to Make Money!
Wendy Keller How to Make Publishers Fall Madly in Love with You and Your Idea
Jill Konrath Make a Mint By Giving Away Your Expertise
Jill Konrath Getting to Corporate Decision Makers
Jonathan Korzen Selling Your Audio Content Through Audible.com: How to Get Your Recordings to an Online Audience
Ken Krell How Speakers Can Rapidly Create 7-Figure Incomes on the Digital Stage
Vasavi Kumar Be Irresistible to Clients and Prospects by Becoming More Camera Confident
Victoria Labalme, CPAE 7 Strategies to Make More Money and Distinguish Yourself by Using a Unique Talent in Your Presentations
Darren LaCroix, CSP, AS YouTube: The Free Tool You're Not Using Enough to Bring You Business
Darren LaCroix, CSP, AS Filling Boot Camps with Happy Campers
Darren LaCroix, CSP, AS Got Product? Go from Zero Dollars to Six Figures in Product Sales in 2 Years or Less
Terri Langhans, CSP Maverick Marketing: How to Stand Out, Get Better Results and Wrangle More Business Right Now!
Mike Larsen Get Published by a Big House: The 10 Keys to Getting the Best Editor, Publisher, and Deal for Your Book
Mike Larsen Getting the Agent You Want and Selling Your Book Fast for Top Dollar
Paul N. Larsen, CPPC Expand Your Client Base and Maximize Your Revenue by Adding Executive Coaching Services
Martin Laschkolnig Best Practices to Expand Your Business Internationally
Karen Lawson, Ph.D., CSP Get Your Audiences Involved and Get More Business
Mark LeBlanc Growing Your Business in a Down Market
Brian Lee, CSP Cultivating $100,000/Year Clients™: How to Stop Chasing Single Speaking Events and Start Creating Wealth
Michael Soon Lee, CSP Speaking on Cruise Ships
Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP Become an Industry Expert ... in a Week
Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP Selling Back-of-the-Room Without Being Thrown Off the Platform
Cathy Lewis Tapping Public Radio to Spread Your Message
Dave Lieber, CSP Write Regularly and with High Impact so Clients Call You and Audiences Never Forget You
Steve Lishansky Executive Coaching: Powerfully Increase Your Long-Term Revenue and Client Impact
Nathan Littleton The Email Marketing Blueprint
Ken Lizotte, CMC Establishing and Leveraging Your Thought Leadership to Create a Steady Flow of Engagements
Pam Lontos, CSP Instant Fame: How to Pitch Editors and Producers to Get Immediate Press Coverage
Andy Lopata It’s Who Knows You: Deepening and Leveraging Relationships to Get More Business
Mary LoVerde How to Become a Sought-After Corporate Spokesperson
Heather Lutze, CSP Marketing Espionage for Speakers: How to Leverage Competitive Intelligence to Dominate Online
Heather Lutze, CSP How to Be the Easiest Speaker to Find on Google
James Malinchak Make Six Figures Annually Speaking to Colleges
Mary Marcdante The Ten Most Important Things to Do to Finish Writing Your First Book
Steve Markman Secrets of Landing Many More Speaking Engagements
Winston Marsh, CSP How to Get 5 Paid Bookings in the Next 5 Days
Albert Maruggi Repackaging Your Content: Using New Media for SEO, Thought Leadership and Sales
Jim Mathis, CSP Increase Your Business NOW by Dialing for Relationships
Michelle May, MD, CSP Create a Licensing and Train-the-Trainer Program for Your Intellectual Capital
Mark Mayfield, CSP, CPAE We Can Make a Funnier You!
Michelle Mazur, PhD Make Your Message Synonymous with Your Name
Dave Reed & Elizabeth McCormick, CSP, CVP, CVH Winning with the NEW eSpeakers Profile
Al McCree The Good and Bad of Selling Your Audio Programs Online
Al McCree Using Music in Your Speech Legally, Ethically and Effectively
Paddy McGill from Thinkific A 5-Step Process to Creating Online Courses for Your Speaking Business
Scott McKain, CSP, CPAE Creating Distinction in the Speaking Industry: How to Make the Marketplace Irrelevant
Scott McKain, CSP, CPAE Repositioning Your Speaking Business
Stu McLaren The Professional Speaker’s Blueprint to Monthly Recurring Income
Barbara McNichol Put Persuasive Power in Your Promo Prose: Fix Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You
Barbara McNichol Create a "Get-Hired" One-Sheet: Design and Writing Tips to Give You "Buy" Appeal
Warwick Merry CSP, CVP How to Energize, Inspire, and Engage Your Online Audiences
Steve Mertz Getting Your Web Site to the Top of the Search Engines
Nancy Michaels Attracting and Retaining Corporate Sponsorship
Sarah Michel, CSP Thrive in the Hybrid Speaking World
Sarah Michel, CSP Create Brain-Friendly, Participant-Centered Presentations for More Engagement and More Business
Robert Middleton Generate Creative Marketing Ideas in Turbulent Times
Robert Middleton InfoGuru Marketing: Leveraging What You Know to Attract All the Clients You Can Handle
Robert Middleton Work Half the Time and Make Twice the Income Leading "Virtual Action Groups"
Robert Middleton Anatomy of Creating Six-Figure Products
Robert Middleton Creating, Marketing and Selling High-End Services and Programs
Steve Miller Establish Client MasterMind Groups for Ongoing, Significant Income and Results
Nancy Mills Insider Secrets to Promoting Your Services and Products on Craigslist to Gain Free Worldwide Publicity
W Mitchell, CSP, CPAE Get More Memorable to Get More Business
Marilynn Mobley How to Be an Effective Spokesperson
John B. Molidor, PhD, CSP Keeping Audiences Captivated (Even Remotely): What Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, and Behavioral Science Have to Say about That!
Brad Montgomery, CSP, CPAE How to Generate Big Laughs by Interacting with Audience Members Without Embarrassing Them -- or You
Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP How to Find and Manage Interns at No Cost to You
Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP Crafting Your Reward Miles/Points Strategy and Getting the Highest Value from Travel Rewards
Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP Create Salable Products from Your Blog Entries
Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP Teleseminars Soup to Nuts: How to Provide Profitable, Low-Work, High-Value Seminars
Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP Make Money in Your Jammies: Creating "Non-Airplane Income" to Generate More Stay-at-Home Revenue
Kasi Mout The Truth about Working with Amazon.com to Promote Your Books and Products
Vickie Mullins Selling Your Books by the Truckload
David Muntner How to Write Authentic, Persuasive Marketing Messages That Convert Readers to Buyers
Ruby Newell-Legner, CSP Seven Steps to Presenting 200 Programs a Year in Your Niche Market
David Newman, CSP Use Your Expertise to Create High-Fee Group Mentoring Programs
Michelle Nichols Promote Your Book, Business or Project Via Your National Holiday
Barbara Niven Use Professional Acting Skills for Oscar-Level Presentations
Barbara Niven Hollywood On-Camera Secrets to Creating Blockbuster Videos
Kelly Notaras Success with a Smaller Publisher
David Nour Avoiding Client “Flight Risk”: How to Ensure You’re Engaging Clients for the Long Term
Kevin O’Connor, CSP Examining the Myths about Building a Successful Speaking Business
Bill O'Hanlon Building Your Platform to Move Your Speaking Career, Book Sales and Business to the Next Level
Meredith Oliver, MIRM, CSP FANtastic SEO Marketing: Drive More Traffic, Leads & Bookings to Your Business
Dave Paradi Making Sure Your Website Investment Is Paying Off
Dave Paradi Add Webinars to Your Services: They’re Easier Than You Think
Mark Partridge, JD Trademarks for Speakers: Essentials for Protecting Your Intellectual Capital
Brady Patterson Use Joint Ventures to 10x Your Speaking Business
Taylorr Payne Mushroom Your Speaking Business by Deepening Your Relationships Using a Critical, Underutilized Tool
Taylorr Payne SpeakerFlow Demo: Go from Apps to Operating System
Pegine Expanding and Prospering with Your Facebook Tribe
Brian Pelletier, KGO Radio Producer A Radio Producer Spills All on Getting on Air
Ian Percy, CPAE Using Depth to Differentiate: How to Set Yourself Apart Through Insight and Substance
Sarah Petty Escape the Price Race to the Bottom
Marc A. Pitman, CSP Creating a Certification Program: Blissful Experience or Waste of Time?
Ron Ploof Podcasting for Beginners: Taking Your Audio Content to the Web
Connie Podesta, CSP, CPAE and Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE Top 10 Things to Quit *Now* if You Want to Soar to the Next Level!
Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP Strategies Guaranteed to Fill Your Pipeline and Keep Your Calendar Full
Ed Primeau Video Brochures: How to Market Yourself Using the Latest Technology
Ed Primeau and Ben Potter Leveraging Your Videos to Create a Stampede of New Business
Ed Primeau Create Powerful Video Demos and Sizzle Reels to Sell Your Speaking Services
Gary Purece Apply Corporate Branding Secrets to Your Business
Ramsey Qubein A Travel Journalist’s Best Business Travel Tips: How to Get Higher Status, Free Upgrades, and Little-Known Perks
Paul O. Radde, PhD Seating Strategies to Engage and Involve Your Audience...and Boost Back-of-Room Sales
Courtney Ramsey From Telling to Teaching: Transform Your Keynote to Training for More Sales
Mike Rayburn, CSP, CPAE How to Get a Bazillion Bookings!
Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO How to Sell Your Program Virtually
Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO How to Quote Your Fee without Sweating
Dave Reed & Elizabeth McCormick, CSP, CVP, CVH Winning with the NEW eSpeakers Profile
Fern Reiss Earn More and Work Less by “Expertizing” Your Book and Business
Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, Master Certified Coach Join the Coaching Boom: How You Can Add Coaching to Your Offerings
Rochelle Rice, CSP, AS Enhance Your Poise, Presence, and Power to Wow Your Audiences
Russ Riddle, JD Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Not Infringing on Others
Carla Rieger Creating a Blended Virtual Course: Serve Clients by Mixing Pre-Recorded and Live Lessons
James Robbins Turn Your Presentations into Profitable Online Courses Quickly
Jeanne Robertson, CSP, CPAE and Al McCree From the Convention Hall to the Performing Arts Center: Adding One-Person Shows to Your Offerings
Jeanne Robertson, CSP, CPAE Tall Tales Create Giant Sales: Using Your Stories to Get More Business
Mike Robertson Slide Showmanship: Dazzle Audiences with State-of-the-Art Slide Design
Ed Robinson, CSP Building a Book of Business with Staying Power
Ted Rogers Selling Your Books by the Truckload
Ron Rosenberg Maximize Your Income from Every Speech
Ron Rosenberg Subscription Products: Getting Customers to Pay You Again and Again (and Again)
Sheryl Roush How to Design One-Sheets That Get You Hired — And More Marketing Design Tips You Didn't Even Know You Needed to Know!
Barbara Rozgonyi How to Write a Superstar Speaker Press Release to Attract the Attention, Business, and Applause You Deserve!
Bill Russell “Speaking” Corporate — A Former Executive’s View
Paul Rutter Speak While Sailing: A Cruise Director's Advice for Speaking on Cruises
Paul Rutter Add Game Show Host to Your Offerings
Lisa Ryan, CSP Smiling and Dialing Your Way to a Six-Figure Speaking Business
Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE How to Craft Compelling Value Propositions That Help You Get Booked, Monetize Your Expertise, and Grow Your Business
Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE Make Your Web Site a Profit Center: Internet Marketing Techniques for Speakers, Authors and Consultants
Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE Use Social Media Marketing to Grow Your Speaking & Consulting Business
Connie Podesta, CSP, CPAE and Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE Top 10 Things to Quit *Now* if You Want to Soar to the Next Level!
Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE Discovering and Exploiting Your Uniqueness for a More Fulfilling Career
Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE How to Capitalize on Your Uniqueness to Ensure Repeat Business
Lee Salz Secrets to Success with Attendee-Funded Webinars
Robbie Samuels Low-Tech Solutions for Highly Engaging Zoom
Robbie Samuels Design Engaging Virtual Events to Be More in Demand
Mark Sanborn, CSP, CPAE Booking More and Better Business with Bureaus
Mark Sanborn, CSP, CPAE Thriving in the Tumultuous World of Speaking
Tim Sanders Creating Fresh Content from Your Audiences' Knowledge, Stories, and Questions
Penny Sansevieri How to Organize Successful Online Book Tours
Karen Saunders Create a "Get-Hired" One-Sheet: Design and Writing Tips to Give You "Buy" Appeal
Maralynn Adams, CMP & Bonni Scepkowski, SFP Frankly Speaking: Insider Advice (Most) Meeting Planners Won’t Share with Speakers
Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE and Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE Crushing the Platform — 9 Insights from Coaching 95 Top Keynote Speakers
Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE and Eric Chester, CSP, CPAE Nuances of Great Keynoters
Mark Scharenbroich, CSP, CPAE Lessons Learned from the Toughest Audiences in the World
Bob Scheinfeld Using Multimedia On and Off the Internet to Explode Your Income and the Impact You Have on Your Clients
Jon Schumacher 5 Critical Website Tweaks That Can Double Your Paid Speaking Requests
Brian Schwartz Putting Your eBook Sales on Autopilot
Jon Schwartz, a.k.a. Vinny Verelli Add Oomph to Your Stories by Bringing the Characters Alive
Rosalind Sedacca Generate New Revenue by Securing Mini-Sponsors
Kurt Shaver Get More Gigs: Advanced LinkedIn Sales Techniques
Lynda Shaw, PhD Using Neuroscience to Be More Effective with Your Audiences
Barbara Sher Why the Internet Is Better for Your Career Than Book Tours with Traditional Media
Josh Shipp Impact and Income Beyond the Stage: Leverage Your Speaking Career into an Expert Empire
Rob Shore Build a Big Following in a Small Niche
Robert Siciliano Get Paid to Become a Celebrity
Cole Silver, JD Legal Issues Business Owners Must Know to Protect Themselves
Sam Silverstein, CSP Can't-Live-Without Technology Tools for Speakers
Sam Silverstein, CSP Strategically Blending eCommerce into Your Practice
Brian Croft & Ken Sky Audience Alchemy: Connect, Captivate and Forge Unique Bonds with Your Audiences
Steve Spangler, CSP, CPAE Secrets to a Significant Signature Story
Steve Spangler, CSP, CPAE FIZZ 101: How to Turn Cocktail Napkin Ideas into Products That Sizzle and Sell
Laura Stack, CSP, CPAE Gold in Your Back Yard: Make a Six-Figure Income in Your Local Market
Bill Stainton, CSP, CPAE Apply Spellbinding TV and Movie Techniques to Your Keynotes
Bill Stainton, CSP, CPAE How to Create Emmy-Worthy Presentations That Set You Apart from the Competition
Mark Standriff Add to Your Speaking Revenue as a Professional Emcee
Jana Stanfield, CSP Speak Abroad, Volunteer, and Get Paid (Maybe)
Victoria Stein, JD Ten Things Infopreneurs Must Know Now to Protect Their Intellectual Property
Alan Stevens, FPSA Going Remote: How to Set Up and Deliver Exceptional Speeches and Presentations from Any Location
Doug Stevenson Creating Emotional Triggers to Make Your Stories Memorable
Joan Stewart How to Deliver the Perfect Pitch to Journalists, Broadcasters & Bloggers and Hit It Out of the Park
Joan Stewart 10 Power Tools to Book More Gigs, Sell More Books, and Clinch More Media Interviews
Mark Stiving, PhD Profiting from a Pricing Prophet's Pointers
Carolyn Strauss, CSP How to Hone Your On-Camera Skills to Close More Sales
Steve Strauss Boom! Creating Content That Pays Big Bucks
Shawna Suckow, CSP Ridiculously Easy Ways to Amplify Your Reach and Your Revenue with AI
Shawna Suckow, CSP Getting Through to Meeting Planners
Joanne Sujansky, PhD, CSP Attracting and Retaining Million-Dollar Clients
Brian Sullivan, CSP Turn Your Content into e-Learning for Steady Income
Vickie Sullivan Make More Money: Position Your Expertise for High-Fee Markets
Vickie Sullivan Getting Big-Fee Speaking Engagements from Sponsors
Kendall SummerHawk How to Charge What You’re Worth and Get It!
Kelly Swanson Where the Art of Story Meets the Business of Persuasion
Linda Swindling, JD, CSP Top 10 Negotiation Mistakes Speakers Make
Mike Taubleb, Speaker Bureau Owner Post-Pandemic Speaking: What You Need to Know to Thrive
Dian Thomas How to Get a Million Dollars Worth of Free Television Coverage
Jeff Tobe, CSP Coloring Outside the Lines™: Ideas for Making More Money in This Crazy Business
Stephen Tweed, CSP Create a Regular Revenue and Profit Stream with Client Mastermind Groups
Stephen Tweed, CSP Increase Your Income by Using Direct Mail to Sell Your Products and Services
Craig Valentine Master Back-of-the-Room Sales Without Annoying Your Audience
Phillip Van Hooser, MBA, CSP, CPAE Uncommon Business Practices That Will Make You Re-Think, Re-Position and Re-Tool Your Business and Possibly Bring You Gobs of Cash in the Process
Jason Van Orden Remarkability Factor: How to Craft Messaging that Stands Out and Authentically Attracts Ideal Clients Every Time
Jan Vermeiren How to REALLY Use LinkedIn to Get More Customers
Jerry Vieira Prospect Triage: Identifying and Separating Those Who Are Great to Work With from Those Who Aren’t
Michelle Villalobos, CSP Retreats to Riches: How to Use Small Events to Drive Back-End Income and Impact from Your Speaking (Both Live and Virtual)
Daveeed Wagner Easy Social Media Hacks to Boost Your Engagement
Waldo Waldman, MBA, CSP, CPAE How to Build a Top Gun Speaker Brand
Jan Wallen More Clients with LinkedIn: Turning Your Connections into Opportunities
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE How to Make Your Speaking Stickier Using Memory Hacks
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE Game On: How to Create and Deliver Game Shows in Your Speeches
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE How to Be Dramatically More Interactive Virtually
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE Extreme Polling: Really Engage Audiences by Showing What They Think
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE How to Put Show Biz into Your Biz Onstage
Brian Walter, CSP, CPAE The Art of Saying What You Do So People Actually Want to Know More
George Walther, CSP, CPAE Building a Brand New Keynote from the Ground Up
George Walther, CSP, CPAE Maximizing the Journey: Save Time, Money, and Aggravation while Turning Dreaded Trips into Adventures
Christie Ward, CSP Create Interactive Keynotes That Elicit Repeat Business
Francine Denise Ward, JD Someone Is Stealing Your Book, Idea, & Brand — Protect Your IP Before It’s Too Late
Steve Waterhouse, CSP Close More Deals: Power Selling for Those Who Hate to Sell
Alexandra Watkins How to Create an Enticing Name for Your Company, Book, and Products
Alexandra Watkins Mastering the Name Game: Create Powerful Names for Books, Speeches or Companies
Liz Weber, CMC, CSP Create YOUR Three-Year Speaking Business Plan: Stop Chasing Squirrels and Grow Your Business!
Pete Weissman Speechwriter Savvy: How to Make Your Ideas Remembered, Repeated, Reported and Retweeted
Pete Weissman Strategies for Becoming a Thought Leader: Lessons from the Corridors of Power
Shauna A. Wekherlien, CPA, MTax, CTC, CTS The Top 10 Deductions Your CPA Never Told You About: 10 Ways to Save $10K Right Now
Joel Weldon, CPAE Stellar Speaking Made Simple
Molly Wendell, CSP Your Online Course: If You Build It, Will They Come?
Chris West The Complete Guide to Virtual Presentations: Setup, Equipment, Marketing & Delivery of Highly Profitable Virtual Presentations
Chris Widener Are You Thinking Big Enough? How to Have Your Own TV Show, Write Bestselling Books, and Sell Truckloads of Products
Marcia Wieder Producing Products and Events to Build a Million-Dollar Business
Larry Winget, CPAE How to Get Booked and Make Money Forever
Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE and Larry Winget, CPAE The Strategic Speaker: Don’t Try Everything. Do the Right Things.
Monica Wofford, CSP How to Produce Profitable Public Seminars Without Losing Your Shirt
Nate Woodbury Transform Your Business with a $400/Month Employee: How to Outsource Operational Tasks to Assistants Abroad
Nate Woodbury Monetize Your YouTube Channel with Less Work Than You Think
Jon Yeo What Does It Take to Create a Phenomenal Short-Format Talk?
David Yoho, CSP, CPAE Secure More Business with Fewer Clients
Susan Young Increase Your Revenue NOW: Get Free Publicity to Grow Your Business
Marcia Yudkin Introvert Power: Market Better if You’re an Introvert (or You Sell to Them)
Marcia Yudkin Create a Paid Mentorship Program to Capitalize on Your Expertise
Simon Zutshi, PSA Fellow Create, Manage, and Sell High-Ticket Masterminds

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