SpeakerNet News Program Recordings

Sales & Marketing Strategies
and Techniques that Work

Sales is often the most difficult part of the speaking, training and consulting business. Learn from masters on how to sell your services successfully.

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Maralynn Adams
Bonni Scepkowski
Frankly Speaking: Insider Advice (Most) Meeting Planners Won't Share with Speakers
with Maralynn Adams & Bonni Scepkowski
Recording  $15

Betsy Allen A System to Grow Your Business 200% in 12 Months
with Betsy Allen, MBA, MOK
Recording  $15

Tom Antion How to Make a Fortune Speaking at Fundraisers
with Tom Antion
Recording  $15

How to Start a Blog (Weblog) to Promote Your Business
with Tom Antion
Recording  $15

Tom Antion I Love the “IRS”: 9 Internet Revenue Streams to Make Your Web Income Soar
with Tom Antion
Recording  $15

Jane Atkinson Market Your Way to Wealthy
with Jane Atkinson
Recording  $15

Jane Atkinson Become a Wealthy Speaker by Revamping Your Marketing
with Jane Atkinson
Recording  $15

Beyond the Speech: How to Dramatically Increase Your Clients' Results and Your Income
with Bill Bachrach, CSP
Recording  $15

Barry Banther Grow a Continuously Profitable Consulting Practice from Your Speeches
with Barry Banther, CMC, CSP
Recording  $15

Barry Banther Monetize Your Expertise
with Barry Banther CMC, CSP
Recording  $15

Brenda Bence How to Get and Manage Corporate Retainers for Large Ongoing Monthly Payments (webcast)
with Brenda Bence, MBA, CSP
Recording  $49

Debbie Bermont Make Many Products from Every Presentation
with Debbie Bermont
Recording  $15

Joanne Black Keep Your Phone Ringing in Tough Times: Using Referrals to Drive Business
with Joanne Black
Recording  $15

Gordon Burgett How to Create an Extraordinarily Effective Speech-Marketing Tool: Your Own Self-Selling Book or Booklet
with Gordon Burgett
Recording  $15

Steve Bustin Be the Go-To Emcee That Event Organizers Love to Book (webcast)
with Steve Bustin, PSAE
Recording  $49

Charles Byrd Explode Your Product Sales with Zero Marketing Costs: The Art and Mastery of Joint Ventures (webcast)
with Charles Byrd
Recording  $49

Joe Calloway Shifting Your Business in a Down Economy
with Joe Calloway, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Christine Cashen How to Have a Full Calendar with No Marketing
with Christine Cashen, CSP
Recording  $15

Jeanette Cates Add a Recurring Stream to Your Revenue Mix
with Jeanette Cates, PhD
Recording  $15

Juliet Clark Convert Your In-Presentation Lead Magnets into Massive Sales
with Juliet Clark
Recording  $15

Myra Corrello Unlock the Power of Sponsorships: Elevate Your Impact & Bottom Line (webcast)
with Myra Corrello, PhD
Recording  $49

Finding and Cultivating New Business: How to Qualify and Interest Decision Makers
with Lois Creamer
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Dennis Cummins The Art of Invitational Selling: Make Offers from the Stage That People Rush to Buy (webcast)
with Dennis Cummins, CSP
Recording  $49

Jennifer Darling Advanced LinkedIn Techniques to Bring You More Business: What Most Speakers Are Missing (webinar)
with Jennifer Darling
Recording  $49

Andrew Davis Becoming a Highly Referable Speaker (webcast)
with Andrew Davis
Recording  $49

Ava Diamond Sell from the Stage Without Being Smarmy
with Ava Diamond
Recording  $15

Mike Domitrz Techniques to Include in Your Presentation That Increase Repeat Bookings
with Mike Domitrz, CSP
Recording  $15

Deborah Durham Leverage Your Speaking Expertise into Paid Spokesperson Assignments!
with Deborah Durham
Recording  $15

Pegine Echevarria Expanding and Prospering with Your Facebook Tribe (webcast)
with Pegine Echevarria
Recording  $49

Fabienne Fredrickson How to Attract All the Clients You Need, Make More Money and Have More Time Off
with Fabienne Fredrickson
Recording  $15

Susan Friedmann How to Profit from Exhibiting, Whether You're Speaking at the Event or Not
with Susan Friedmann, CSP
Recording  $15

Frank Furness Strategies, Tips and Tools for Creating Videos for Marketing and Sales (webinar)
with Frank Furness
Recording  $49

Frank Furness Speak for High Fees in Many Lands
with Frank Furness, CSP
Recording  $15

Chuck Gallagher New Tools to Increase Your YouTube Followers and Your Bank Account (webcast)
with Chuck Gallagher, CSP
Recording  $49

David Garfinkel Copywriting Secrets for Infopreneurs: The Right Words Can Help You Sell a Lot More Speeches, Services and Products!
with David Garfinkel
Recording  $15

Phil Gerbyshak LinkedIn Profitability for Speakers (webinar)
with Phil Gerbyshak
Recording  $49

Bob Gibson Negotiating When Relationships Matter: How to Keep Your Client Happy Without Giving Away the Store
with Bob Gibson
Recording  $15

Jeffrey Gitomer Dominate the Platform and Your Market Segment
with Jeffrey Gitomer, CSP, CPAE
A special 4-session webinar series

What It Really Takes to Sell a Lot of Product
with Mitch Goozé, CSP
Recording  $15

Tom Gray How to Build a High-Traffic Website and Convert That Traffic to Sales!
with Tom Gray
Recording  $15

Warren Greshes How Non-Celebrity Speakers Can Build a Lucrative Career
with Warren Greshes, CPAE
Recording  $15

Laurie Guest Add Another Revenue Stream by Offering Client Encounter Audits
with Laurie Guest, CSP
Recording  $15

Joon Han Tap the Millions of Dollars That Fortune 500 Companies Are Dying to Spend on You
with Joon Han
Recording  $15

Fredrik Haeren The World Tour of You: How to Become a Global Speaker
with Fredrik Härén, CSP, CSPGlobal
Recording  $15

Roger Harrop How to Get Full-Fee Bookings in Today's Market
with Roger Harrop, FPSA, PSAE
Recording  $15

Duncan Hesketh Warm Leads in Your Pocket (webcast)
with Duncan Hesketh, WeSpeakGlobal creator
Recording  Free

Bronwyn Hesketh SpeakerSavvy: Wisdom from the Dark Side (A Bureau Owner Comes Clean)
with Bronwyn Hesketh
Recording  $15

Linda Hollander Top 5 Ways to Attract Corporate Sponsors
with Linda Hollander
Recording  $15

Sam Horn Intriguing Techniques for Capturing Your Prospects’, Clients’, and Audiences’ Attention
with Sam Horn, Intrigue Expert
Recording  $15

That's Original!—Create Clever, Proprietary Titles and Content
with Sam Horn
Recording  $15

Mastering the Two Critical Elements of Success in Speaking
with Don Hutson, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Shep Hyken Become and Stay the Top Go-To Speaker on Your Topic (webcast)
with Shep Hyken, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $49

Bill James Zero-Dollar Marketing for Speakers, Trainers and Consultants
with Bill James, CSP
Recording  $15

Dan Janal 7 Proven Ways to Build Your Business with Facebook Advertising
with Dan Janal
Recording  $15

Kerry Johnson How to Increase Your Business 80% in 8 Weeks
with Kerry Johnson, MBA, PhD
Recording  $15

Jill Konrath Make a Mint By Giving Away Your Expertise (webinar)
with Jill Konrath
Recording  $49

Darren LaCroix YouTube: The Free Tool You’re Not Using Enough to Bring You Business (webinar)
with Darren LaCroix, CSP, AS
Recording  $49

Terri Langhans Maverick Marketing: How to Stand Out, Get Better Results and Wrangle More Business Right Now!
with Terri Langhans, CSP
Recording  $15

Martin Laschkolnig Best Practices to Expand Your Business Internationally (webcast)
with Martin Laschkolnig
Recording  $49

Michael Lee Selling Back-of-the-Room Without Being Thrown Off the Platform
with Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP
Recording  $15

Nathan Littleton The Email Marketing Blueprint (webcast)
with Nathan Littleton
Recording  $49

Mary LoVerde How to Become a Sought-After Corporate Spokesperson
with Mary LoVerde
Recording  $15

Heather Lutze Marketing Espionage for Speakers: How to Leverage Competitive Intelligence to Dominate Online (webinar)
with Heather Lutze, CSP
Recording  $49

Heather Lutze How to Be the Easiest Speaker to Find on Google
with Heather Lutze
Recording  $15

James Malinchak Make Six Figures Annually Speaking to Colleges
with James Malinchak
Recording  $15

Steve Markman Secrets of Landing Many More Speaking Engagements
with Steve Markman
Recording  $15

Winston Marsh How to Get 5 Paid Bookings in the Next 5 Days
with Winston Marsh, CSP
Recording  $15

Jim Mathis Increase Your Business NOW by Dialing for Relationships
with Jim Mathis, CSP
Recording  $15

Michelle Mazur Make Your Message Synonymous with Your Name (webcast)
with Michelle Mazur, PhD
Recording  $49

Barbara McNichol Put Persuasive Power in Your Promo Prose: Fix Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You
with Barbara McNichol
Recording  $15

Barbara McNichol
Karen Saunders
Create a "Get-Hired" One-Sheet: Design and Writing Tips to Give You "Buy" Appeal
with Barbara McNichol and Karen Saunders
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Attracting and Retaining Corporate Sponsorship
with Nancy Michaels
Recording  $15

Robert Middleton Generate Creative Marketing Ideas in Turbulent Times
with Robert Middleton
Recording  $15

Establish Client MasterMind Groups for Ongoing, Significant Income and Results
with Steve Miller
Recording  $15

Insider Secrets to Promoting Your Services and Products on Craigslist to Gain Free Worldwide Publicity
with Nancy Mills
Recording  $15

David Muntner How to Write Authentic, Persuasive Marketing Messages That Convert Readers to Buyers (webcast)
with David Muntner
Recording  $49

Seven Steps to Presenting 200 Programs a Year in Your Niche Market
with Ruby Newell-Legner, CSP
Recording  $15

Michelle Nichols Promote Your Book, Business or Project Via Your National Holiday
with Michelle Nichols
Recording  $15

Barbara Niven Hollywood On-Camera Secrets to Creating Blockbuster Videos
with Barbara Niven
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

David Nour Avoiding Client “Flight Risk”: How to Ensure You’re Engaging Clients for the Long Term
with David Nour
Recording  $15

Kevin O'Connor Examining the Myths about Building a Successful Speaking Business (webcast)
with Kevin O’Connor, CSP
Recording  $49

Meredith Oliver FANtastic SEO Marketing: Drive More Traffic, Leads & Bookings to Your Business (webinar)
with Meredith Oliver, MIRM, CSP
Recording  $49

Brady Patterson Use Joint Ventures to 10x Your Speaking Business (webcast)
with Brady Patterson
Recording  $49

Sarah Petty Escape the Price Race to the Bottom
with Sarah Petty
Recording  $15

Meridith Powell Strategies Guaranteed to Fill Your Pipeline and Keep Your Calendar Full
with Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP
Recording  $15

Video Brochures: How to Market Yourself Using the Latest Technology
with Ed Primeau
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Ed Primeau Leveraging Your Videos to Create a Stampede of New Business
with Ed Primeau and Ben Potter
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Ed Primeau Create Powerful Video Demos and Sizzle Reels to Sell Your Speaking Services
with Ed Primeau
Recording  $49

Mike Rayburn How to Get a Bazillion Bookings!
with Mike Rayburn, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Chuck Reaves How to Quote Your Fee without Sweating
with Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO
Recording  $15

Chuck Reaves How to Sell Your Program Virtually (webcast)
with Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO
Recording  $49

Ed Robinson Building a Book of Business with Staying Power (webcast)
with Ed Robinson, CSP
Recording  $49

Ron Rosenberg Maximize Your Income from Every Speech
with Ron Rosenberg
Recording  $15

Sheryl Roush How to Design One-Sheets That Get You Hired — And More Marketing Design Tips You Didn’t Even Know You Needed to Know! (webinar)
with Sheryl Roush
Recording  $49

Lisa Ryan Smiling and Dialing Your Way to a Six-Figure Speaking Business
with Lisa Ryan, CSP
Recording  $15

Make Your Web Site a Profit Center: Internet Marketing Techniques for Speakers, Authors and Consultants
with Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Rosalind Sedacca Generate New Revenue by Securing Mini-Sponsors
with Rosalind Sedacca
Recording  $15

Kurt Shaver Get More Gigs: Advanced LinkedIn Sales Techniques (webinar)
with Kurt Shaver
Recording  $49

Gold in Your Back Yard: Make a Six-Figure Income in Your Local Market
with Laura Stack, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Mark Standriff Add to Your Speaking Revenue as a Professional Emcee
with Mark Standriff
Recording  $15

Jana Stanfield Speak Abroad, Volunteer, and Get Paid (Maybe)
with Jana Stanfield, CSP
Recording  $15

Shawna Suckow Getting Through to Meeting Planners
with Shawna Suckow
Recording  $15

Getting Big-Fee Speaking Engagements from Sponsors
with Vickie Sullivan
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

Kelly Swanson Where the Art of Story Meets the Business of Persuasion
with Kelly Swanson
Recording  $15

Linda Swindling Top 10 Negotiation Mistakes Speakers Make
with Linda Swindling, JD, CSP
Recording  $15

Jeff Tobe Coloring Outside the Lines™: Ideas for Making More Money in This Crazy Business
with Jeff Tobe, CSP
Recording  $15

Stephen Tweed Create a Regular Revenue and Profit Stream with Client Mastermind Groups
with Stephen Tweed, CSP
Recording  $15

Increase Your Income by Using Direct Mail to Sell Your Products and Services
with Stephen Tweed, CSP
Recording  $15

Craig Valentine Master Back-of-the-Room Sales Without Annoying Your Audience
with Craig Valentine
Recording  $15

Jason Van Orden Remarkability Factor: How to Craft Messaging that Stands Out and Authentically Attracts Ideal Clients Every Time (webcast)
with Jason Van Orden
Recording  $49

Jerry Vieira Prospect Triage: Identifying and Separating Those Who Are Great to Work With from Those Who Aren’t
with Jerry Vieira
Recording  $15

Close More Deals: Power Selling for Those Who Hate to Sell
with Steve Waterhouse, CSP
Recording  $15

Alexandra Watkins Mastering the Name Game: Create Powerful Names for Books, Speeches or Companies
with Alexandra Watkins
Recording  $15

How to Get Booked and Make Money Forever
with Larry Winget, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15 Transcript  $20

David Yoho Secure More Business with Fewer Clients
with David Yoho, CSP, CPAE
Recording  $15

Marcia Yudkin Introvert Power: Market Better if You’re an Introvert (or You Sell to Them)
with Marcia Yudkin
Recording  $15

Simon Zutshi Create, Manage, and Sell High-Ticket Masterminds (webcast)
with Simon Zutshi, PSA Fellow
Recording  $49

SpeakerNet News is produced by Rebecca Morgan and Ken Braly. It is not affiliated with the National Speakers Association. Send comments or suggestions